1. We spend so much time with other believers we don't have time to invest in the lives of those who do not know Jesus.
2. We are afraid of being contaminated by having too much contact with the world.
3. We understand evangelism as a series of events that is carried out as part of the church calendar rather than the life style of every believer.
4. We pray for many things, but little for lost souls.
5. We don't importune the Lord of the Harvest for laborers.
6. There is little emphasis on training workers to engage in the harvest.
7. Leaders who believe the Great Commission means growing their own church.
8. The belief that "making disciples" means preaching the Gospel and waiting for God to do the work He assigned to us.
9. Fishing in waters where the fish aren't biting - or to change the metaphor - looking to harvest in ground that hasn't been prepared, or where little seed has been planted.
10. Inviting people to come to our church instead of starting new gatherings in the places where they live.
11. Extracting new believers from their communities and spheres of influence and grafting them into our own circles.
12. When we evangelize, we do so haphazardly with whomever, rather than seeking out key "people of peace" as Jesus commanded in Luke 10.
13. We love our own kingdoms more than His Kingdom.
14. Lack of evidence of the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and ministry.
15. Insisting we work sequentially (pray, plan, proclaim, win, teach, baptize, disciple, train, minister...)
16. Connecting everything to the four walls of the church building.
17. Churches keeping 95% or more of their resources for their own local use instead of investing in making disciples of the nations.
18. Leaders who believe filling church pews is the goal, rather than mobilzing believers to the harvest fields.
19. Waiting for someone else to do it. And when nobody else does anything criticize others for their lack of commitment to the Lord.
20. Using the excuse that I haven't been called to do that, or the Holy Spirit hasn't given me the kinds of gifts needed to work in the harvest fields.
© 2011 J. Guy Muse
A missionary catalyzing organic church planting movements in Ecuador.
Originally posted at http://guymuse.blogspot.com/
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