
7 tips for talking with your neighbors about Jesus

We met in the elevator of our condo building.

Instead of the classic stare down at the ground and avoid eye contact bit, I said hello and introduced myself. I asked him a few non-awkward, basic questions. How long have you lived here? Do you like it? Have you met any cool people?

11 Gospel-centered ways to love your city

Jesus calls us to “go and make disciples” and to love our city so that we might clearly communicate the gospel and see more people come to know him.

But what does this look like practically? What does it mean to love our city? Here are 11 practical, gospel-centered ways you can love your city.

Dangers Leaders Face

Being in leadership is dangerous.

The Bible is full of warnings and examples of this truth. The devil is always lurking in the shadows to sidetrack, plateau, neutralize or flat out destroy Christian leaders.  It is at times overlooked that 1 Peter 5:8 is in the middle of a passage directed to leaders. Leaders are often the first target of the enemy of our souls and the ministry.

Picking the right people

It is a truism that the more people you lead, the more leaders you need.

As the size of your group, organization, church or company grows, so does the need for more character-filled, Christ-centered, and competent leaders.