
Who are the outcasts in (some) churches?

The word “outcasts” seems strong. Perhaps it is. But, after over 30 years of working with thousands of congregations in North America, I think the nomenclature is close to reality.

When I use the word “outcast,” I am referring to those who are neglected at best and ostracized at worst. And lest anyone think I am compromising biblical views on marriage, sexuality, or other issues, I am not. In a number of churches, however, some of these groups are truly marginalized and, perhaps, shunned by members in the church.

5 sins leaders must constantly give new wounds to

In his famous and classic work, Mortification of Sin, John Owen wrote, “Never think your sin is dead because it is quiet, but labor to give it new wounds, new blows every day.” He also famously wrote, “Be killing sin or sin will be killing you.” The more we think our sin is quiet, the more susceptible we are to its deception and destruction. If we think we are standing firm, we are more likely to fall (I Corinthians 10:12). Based on my own struggles and learning from the struggles of other leaders, here are 5 sins leaders must “labor to give new wounds to every day.”